Danske Fragtmænd offers nationwide first aid with defibrillators
8 May 2019
In September, Danske Fragtmænd Express entered into a partnership with Hjertepiloter and equipped more than 100 vehicles with first aid equipment. Sax-Trans is the first carrier company in Danske Fragtmænd to have become a part of the project and is ready to step in when the accident occurs.
The five-year agreement between Danske Fragtmænd Express and Hjertepiloter shall assist in offering nationwide first aid.
- All heart pilots are connected to the Hjertepiloter app, which is linked to the different regions. In the event of cardiac arrest, the emergency centre in the region calls the three nearest pilots who receive a message on their telephones. They can then either press Ja (Yes) or Afvis (Reject), after which they go to the address using a GPS location, says Jesper Laugesen, sales director at Danske Fragtmænd Express, who is the instigator of the collaboration.
Sometimes the heart pilots come before the ambulance and at other times after. Whatever happens, they are of help every time they respond.
- If we come before, of course, we start to provide the life-saving first aid that all our pilots are trained in. Otherwise, we ask the ambulance staff whether we can help. We can either give heart massage while they are getting ready or we can talk to the relatives and calm them down. It varies greatly, explains Jesper, who has no doubt about the purpose.
- If we can just save one life, then it is all worth the effort, he says.
Service for a good cause
The agreement was for 100 vehicles with the possibility of expansion. Sax-Trans on Lolland/Falster is now the first freight company to become part of the project, and has therefore trained two pilots in first aid and supplied them with the right equipment. Flemming Werner Jensen, CEO of Sax-Trans, wants a service for a good cause.
- When I heard about the project, my first thought was that we should join. After all, I think it makes sense that we also drive around with defibrillators so that we too can step in and save human lives, he says.
Sax-Trans's new heart pilots have already been called a couple of times, and Flemming himself feels that this is of great importance for the pilots.
“They are proud to be part of the project. They also have a sticker on the back of their car, which reads that they are heart pilots and have a defibrillator on board. This means a lot to them,” says Flemming.
Since the beginning of the agreement in September, there have been 175 calls in Region Zealand, where Danske Fragtmænd has helped in 64 of all cases.